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how do I stop a 2 year old boy spitting?
He spits on the floor or at his little sister. When I tell him off he simply laughs. We have tried putting him in his playpen for a short while. He does not seem to understand instructions to stop. I do not believe in smacking children or any other violent method.
18 คำตอบ
- ไม่ประสงค์ออกนาม1 ทศวรรษ ที่ผ่านมาคำตอบที่โปรดปราน
...I'm about to offer you a RADICAL idea, however, it's time tested and works wonders... A "Spanking" ! (repeat as often as necessary)
I didn't say a "smacking or being violent" ...I said a "spanking"...over your knee, introducing the flat of your hand to the "bottom" of the offender !
แหล่งข้อมูล: Experience... raised 3 children... "they" ALL responded quite well and learned as well... - ?Lv 61 ทศวรรษ ที่ผ่านมา
Please, do not smack or spit at him 0 some parents do! It wold only teach him htat it is ok to spit or to hit.
You deal with spitting just like with any other bad habit (and believe me, there will be many more and worse than spitting), you say NO firmly and uickly and remove him from the situation - every time! Children crave attention - any attention. So if he feels he is not getting attention (and with 2 ids under 3 it is quite understandable) he is trying to get it any way he can. If spitting gets adults to yell, grab him put him somewhere and very soon to grab him again, get all excited/angry and carry on etc etc. - ti is a lot more fun for a kid than NOT seeing all this entertainment. And once spitting does not work any mpre, he may try something else!
So the only way to stop it, is to to say NO every time, move him to another part of the room or house, and NOT give him any more attention at all! Bu tit is almost as important to keep "catching" him being good - playing nicely, cuddling up, putting a to away, eating his food etc. - at those times DO giv him LOTS of positiv attention..
It does take alot of work but who said raising kids is supposed to be easy?
see below
discipline is a very difficult task for parents. As parents, we would need to set limits and provide structure to create an atmosphere in the home that makes these limits easier to respect. One of the developmental tasks that toddlers undergo is looking and testing for boundaries. As such, it is important that they clearly know where these boundaries lie. They must also learn that there is consistency in the way that these behaviors are handled when they cross the boundaries. When you first implement structure, you can expect A LOT of testing, crying and often an increase in misbehaviors as they will be testing your limits.
แหล่งข้อมูล: Mom of 3 and an early childhood educator - anne wLv 41 ทศวรรษ ที่ผ่านมา
This is a classic sign of attention seeking. Whatever attention you are currently giving him - and it may be loads! - it is not satisfying his need. Has the amount of attention he gets reduced since the little sister has arrived. The answer to this is almost certainly "yes" I suggest. It is difficult to maintain the same level as before but he will still be feeling it.
Ignore it. If he spits at his sister, scoop her up and give her the attention, you will need to wash the spit off in any case. Don't speak to him or react in any way. This " exclusion" should last for a few minutes. When he has stopped laughing/being stroppy or whatever his reaction was, then you can go to him and give him some attention - preferably without his baby sister in your arms. Your time needs to be his and his alone. He is too young to share it just yet for at least some of the time.
Put aside some special "him" time everyday. This should be when the baby is still around ideally, because you don't want him to only associate him having you when she is not there. ( I know - difficult to arrange) . Let him know that you will do this, perhaps write the time on the fridge on a large clock face or something.
When you are feeding the baby have him sit close to you and do something with him that he will enjoy - perhaps reading his favourite book or watch his favourite tv programme?
Make the time you have with him fun, make cakes, have a sink of bubbles for him to make a mess with, let him know that you are enjoying being with him.
Good luck
- ไม่ประสงค์ออกนาม1 ทศวรรษ ที่ผ่านมา
I think you are doing well so far by not resorting to smacking which in the end will only have a negative effect.Staying calm and gentle is a must with children it's not always easy but sets a great example.your son is probably spitting for a reaction so don't give him one and get everyone else to handle things the same.Next time he spits give no eye contact and ignore him.Be consistent he will get bored of it eventually it's just a stage he's going through.making very little fuss with things with a toddler is always the best way to go.when he's not spitting give him lots of positive attention so he learns what gets him attention and what doesn't.
- 1 ทศวรรษ ที่ผ่านมา
My solution won't help you since you don't believe in "smacking children or any other violent method." He needs to be popped in his darn mouth. He will then get the point. Spitting on/at people is disgusting, and if you continue to let it happen, he will spit on/at the wrong person and then you may have a mess to deal with. Your son is smart and realizes that you are doing anything to stop him and it just gets him attention. I'm sure he could care less about you "telling him." Spare the rod and spoil the child.
- avonmomLv 61 ทศวรรษ ที่ผ่านมา
my mother had this issue with my little brother when he was about that age. She simply looked at him and told him "if you want to spit, you may spit as much as you would like in the toilet" and took him to the bathroom. She may have even stood behind him a time or 2 and instructed him to spit into the toilet multiple times. If he knows that he is allowed to spit, but not at/on people it just might lose its thrill after a few days.
แหล่งข้อมูล: Mom of 3 (13, 9, 3) older sister to 3 (now 30, 26, 24) - Mommy of 5Lv 71 ทศวรรษ ที่ผ่านมา
This is a hard one.
Next time he spits get down to his level in a clear stern voice and tell him no spitting, and if he does it again put him in time out. Sorry but a playpen is not a time out and he learns nothing from it. Find a naughty spot and make him sit there. No more than 2 minutes when he has finished sitting explain to him why he was put in time out.
- 1 ทศวรรษ ที่ผ่านมา
I often observe parents on the street rudely telling their children "no", which usually leaves the children confused and at a total loss as to why they received a "no" (on streets it's usually for the parent's convenience - anyway).
I would try to appeal to his sense of empathy, along with the punishment. Would you like it if someone spit on you? Do you want me to spit on you?
Also, give him a "job". Make it clear to him that he is an older brother now and that older brothers protect their little sisters, not harm them.
Oh and: Make him apologise to his sister, not to you. You have not been harmed by his actions.
Good luck!
- 1 ทศวรรษ ที่ผ่านมา
Tough call, if he was my child, I would crank up the punishment level more. His current punishment clearly isnt working for him. When he does it, explain clearly to him what he's done wrong and make your disapproval clear to him. Maybe take something he really likes away from him for a short period of time (bike, fav ball, DVD etc). Confiscate it for X amount of time, then get his to say sorry and reinforce to him what he did wrong then give it back to him.
good luck
แหล่งข้อมูล: mama to a brood - 1 ทศวรรษ ที่ผ่านมา
Make a reward chart, coulorful and funny the the child can stick things on when he/she capletes a day (until bedtime) they can have a treat. If there are more bad stickers then no treat should take two weeks to work.
- ไม่ประสงค์ออกนาม1 ทศวรรษ ที่ผ่านมา
Don't give him attention ( ie shouting, looking etc ) when he spits or for any other bad behaviour, as he is doing that for attention.
Give him atttention and praise for good behaviour, and this will encourage good behaviour rather than bad.